Our Mission 我們的使命
Shining Stars Foundation was founded by Mrs Pauline Lo-Chu with an aim to offer support to underprivileged children of Hong Kong in pursuing their dreams. At the heart of the foundation lies the Learn, Earn and Return theory – a concept that believes that any talent begins at young age with discovery.
Shining Stars Foundation (Inland Revenue Department Ref: 91/12142) is aiming to enable children to be exposed to a variety of activities and learning opportunities which would otherwise not be possible for them. Through the process of learning, we envision these children to go through a process of self-discovery which ultimately would lead to a greater sense of confidence and self-worth.
星亮慈善基金致力提供援助本地低收入家庭之小朋友, 讓他們追求自己的夢想.
我們以學習, 賺錢, 回饋之三步曲為中心 - 相信只需幼時發掘, 天生我才必有用.
星亮慈善基金以提供不同的活動及學習機會給予小朋友. 小朋友在學習過程中發現自己的潛能, 從中建立自信.
Our Partners 我們的伙伴
We work closely with social workers and NGOs. We understand what they need for children and will only sponsor those not sponsored by the government, we dont want to duplicate the resources.
我們與地區社工及非牟利團體緊密合作. 我們明白他們旗下小朋友之需要, 而我們所協助的範圍只會是政府資助不足的地方, 我們不會重覆資源.
Our Events 我們的活動
We organize both fund and fun raising events. For fund raising events, all the proceeds raised from individuals will be fully utilized only for the benefits of the children. All administration fees associated will be sponsored by our committee. And for fun raising events, we will partner with various local NGOs and organize activities for their children members.
我們有不同之籌款及慈善活動. 籌款方面,所有從個人籌得之款項將全數用於小朋友之身上. 各行政費用將由星亮慈善基金之委員負責, 絕不會在善款中扣除. 而慈善活動, 我們與不同的非牟利團體合作, 安排活動給他們旗下之小朋友.
Our Fund Raising Target 我們的籌款目標
We target to raise at least one million dollars per year. We leverage donation money by applying for the year-end partnership dollar-to-dollar matching fund for the disadvantaged (PFD) from Social Welfare Department (SWD). Local corporate donates say $10,000 to the programme that we submitted and approved by SWD , SWD will match the $10,000 , thus the programme will have $20,000 to help the underprivileged kids. We will make the donation programme attractive for corporates, as we don't just ask corporate to donate, we treasure our donors, so we reward our donors. We are prepared to match the donation amount from corporates with the same retail value of chocolates. So corporate is not only doing charity, but also getting the same retail value of chocolates during christmas period, this should be win-win for all the parties. Our committee already planned to donate $500,000 worth of chocolates per christmas (first come first serve) , and hope in return can attract corporates to donate the same amount into the Shining Stars Programme for applying the PFD. Please feel free to support, with the cumulative donations from many corporates, hope to double the $500,000 to $1,000,000.
每年我們的籌款目標是一百萬元. 我們喜歡借力, 我們將由企業籌得之善款用作申請社會褔利處之配對扶貧計劃. 如本地企業捐一萬元給我們被社處認可之計劃, 社處將額外給一萬元, 令計劃有二萬元幫助有需要之小朋友. 我們重視捐款之企業, 而為了吸引企業積極長期參與, 我們將以同等價值的朱古力回饋企業. 捐款之企業不單做了善事, 讓星亮慈善基金可向社處額外配對善款, 更在該年度收到同等價值之朱古力, 應算是一舉兩得. 星亮慈善基金之委員每年聖誕已預備捐出五十萬元之朱古力作回饋企業之捐款 (先到先得). 請各企業多多支持, 群策群力, 集合多間企業令五十萬元變一百萬元.
Join us to uncover the shining stars of Hong Kong.
各善長, 請與我們一起發掘香港本地之明日之星.
We work closely with social workers and NGOs. We understand what they need for children and will only sponsor those not sponsored by the government, we dont want to duplicate the resources.
我們與地區社工及非牟利團體緊密合作. 我們明白他們旗下小朋友之需要, 而我們所協助的範圍只會是政府資助不足的地方, 我們不會重覆資源.
Our Events 我們的活動
We organize both fund and fun raising events. For fund raising events, all the proceeds raised from individuals will be fully utilized only for the benefits of the children. All administration fees associated will be sponsored by our committee. And for fun raising events, we will partner with various local NGOs and organize activities for their children members.
我們有不同之籌款及慈善活動. 籌款方面,所有從個人籌得之款項將全數用於小朋友之身上. 各行政費用將由星亮慈善基金之委員負責, 絕不會在善款中扣除. 而慈善活動, 我們與不同的非牟利團體合作, 安排活動給他們旗下之小朋友.
Our Fund Raising Target 我們的籌款目標
We target to raise at least one million dollars per year. We leverage donation money by applying for the year-end partnership dollar-to-dollar matching fund for the disadvantaged (PFD) from Social Welfare Department (SWD). Local corporate donates say $10,000 to the programme that we submitted and approved by SWD , SWD will match the $10,000 , thus the programme will have $20,000 to help the underprivileged kids. We will make the donation programme attractive for corporates, as we don't just ask corporate to donate, we treasure our donors, so we reward our donors. We are prepared to match the donation amount from corporates with the same retail value of chocolates. So corporate is not only doing charity, but also getting the same retail value of chocolates during christmas period, this should be win-win for all the parties. Our committee already planned to donate $500,000 worth of chocolates per christmas (first come first serve) , and hope in return can attract corporates to donate the same amount into the Shining Stars Programme for applying the PFD. Please feel free to support, with the cumulative donations from many corporates, hope to double the $500,000 to $1,000,000.
每年我們的籌款目標是一百萬元. 我們喜歡借力, 我們將由企業籌得之善款用作申請社會褔利處之配對扶貧計劃. 如本地企業捐一萬元給我們被社處認可之計劃, 社處將額外給一萬元, 令計劃有二萬元幫助有需要之小朋友. 我們重視捐款之企業, 而為了吸引企業積極長期參與, 我們將以同等價值的朱古力回饋企業. 捐款之企業不單做了善事, 讓星亮慈善基金可向社處額外配對善款, 更在該年度收到同等價值之朱古力, 應算是一舉兩得. 星亮慈善基金之委員每年聖誕已預備捐出五十萬元之朱古力作回饋企業之捐款 (先到先得). 請各企業多多支持, 群策群力, 集合多間企業令五十萬元變一百萬元.
Join us to uncover the shining stars of Hong Kong.
各善長, 請與我們一起發掘香港本地之明日之星.